Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The first step towards change

"The first step towards change
 is recognition.
 Recognise that you have had at least a few hopes
 & wishes
 come true." 
~ Deepak  Chopra ~

Nothing is permanent

"Nothing is permanent. 
                          All is changing.
       In every instant.
                                  In every moment. 
                    Even right now!"- cwg

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Who you choose to follow

"Who you choose to follow is your choice,
 what they choose to say or do isn't.
 Therefore act
 on what is in your control not what isn't!"

Jealousy does not hurt the person you're jealous of

"Jealousy does not hurt the person you're jealous of,
 it hurts you! Let it go! 
You're killing yourself!" 
- Tony Gaskins

Thursday, May 24, 2012

You are the creator of your reality

"You are the creator of your reality, and life can show up no other way for you than that way in which you think it will." - CwG 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I have no special talents

"I have no special talents.
 I am only passionately curious."
 - Albert Einstein

That 'special someone'

"Staying friends 
with that 'special someone' 
rarely makes the dream of possibilities true. 
like life 
change all the time 
accept the one laid before you 
and enjoy everything it has to offer 
and learn!"

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Never regret anything

"Never regret anything
 because at some point
 everything you did was what you wanted to do
 sometimes that's the hardest thing to realize."

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Two incomplete people

"Two incomplete people
 can't complete one another.
 Complete yourself
 and then
 let someone else complement you."

 - Tony Gaskins

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The truth is

"The truth is that there is no journey.
You are right now what you are attempting to be. 
You are right now where you are attempting to go."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happiness is the absence of fever

“If what Proust says is true,
 that happiness is the absence of fever,
 then I will never know happiness.
 For I am possessed by a fever for knowledge,
 experience, and creation.”
~ Anaïs Nin ~
"Your enemy is not necessarily my enemy
 because for all I know you could be the problem.."
- Tony Gaskins -

Friday, May 11, 2012

Many people make themselves unhappy

"Many people make themselves unhappy simply by finding it impossible to accept life just as it is presenting itself right now. There is always something to celebrate, so long as life is being lived." - NDW

There is nothing I have to do

"There is nothing I have to do, nowhere I have to go, and no way I have to be except exactly the way I am being right now. My happiness is knowing this, my joy is expressing it, my bliss is experiencing it." - NDW

Thursday, May 10, 2012

But I will not give up.

I have been cheated on, lied to, stabbed in the back, and abused—verbally, mentally, and emotionally… but I will not give up.
I have been drained, broken, torn apart, and severely wounded… but I will not give up.
I have been used, neglected, taken for granted, mocked, and laughed at… but I will not give up.
I have been drained, I have been broken, my heart has suffered many cuts as well as devastating blows, and I have experienced many headaches and heartaches… but I will not give up.
I have given time to confusion, I have been left disappointed, and there was the one occasion wherein I all but lost my mind… but I will not give up.
I have made my mistakes and I have slept in the hard beds made by them, I have found comfort in a place of sorrow, and I have covered myself in the blankets of fear… but I will not give up.
My knees are stained by scars as I have fallen to my knees several times, I have prayed until I had no more words to offer to God, I have soaked pillows with tears, I have cried out from the depths of my soul, and I have ached from every part of my being. Yet still, I will not give up.
I will never give up. Because I know that the breath I use to utter the words “I quit” will come right before the breath I take while throwing my arms in the air with clinched fists to claim victory.
I have held my heart out, and too became a live witness to its bludgeoning on multiple occasions. Yet, I will never give up on love, because in the end it’s always those that never give up, that win. And when I win, I will use everything I have been through as the fuel to love just that much harder.
Will you?


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let things be less than perfect

"Let things be less than perfect.
Smile every chance you get; not because life has been easy,
 perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated,
 but because you choose to be happy and grateful
 for all the good things you do have,
 and all the problems I know you don’t have.
  You must accept the fact that life is not perfect,
 that people are not perfect,
 and that you are not perfect.
  And that’s okay,
 because the real world doesn't reward perfection.
  It rewards people who get GOOD things done.
  And the only way to get GOOD things done

 is to be imperfect 99% of the time."

You can choose

"You can choose to be a person
 who has resulted simply from what has happened,
 or from what you have chosen to be
 and do about what has happened."

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I started my life with a single absolute

“I started my life with a single absolute:
 that the world was mine to shape
 in the image of my highest values
 and never to be given up to a lesser standard,
 no matter how long or hard the struggle.”

You must learn

"You must learn to be gentle with yourself.
                         And stop judging yourself."

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Smile a lot.

"Smile a lot.
          It will cure
                 whatever ails you."